Thursday, February 7

finally...cny arrived & am at home sweet home!!been waiting for awol to finish!!bile dh hbis, rse unspecial plak! :P anyway what i did during my last 2-quarter days at home? went out wif ma fren, watched heroes yg tk pnah2 hbis tgk kt alam, ate til butang sluar nk pecah! & of course!!been photoshop-ping eventhough i dun have it!!been using!!its like photoshop but kinda like the lame one!tk best!but its ok...use all available means right!!! :P classes were exciting 4 the last few days..dunno y!capt naim's classes seem to be NOT dull as b4, capt imran plak,semakin best ape yg dajar tp ape yg dajar tu agak mengconfiuskn skit ape yg tlah dblaja sblm nie :|, capt mazlan dh lme tk masuk class!, sir arif semangat giler mengajar!hehe, ROR plak tatau la ape citr, electricity mesti tergelak tgk perangai mr chuah! :D mdm hanim haritu bg push up!!!ape nie!!! :P my bro tk blik this holiday...hrmm ingt nk order chocs!finals 4 sem2 will be in the end of april & time seems to fly soo fast!sdah mau pgi buat practical! :]

anyway, this is my newest post since the last one that is sooo far outdated edi!nk post yg bru2 but sgtla malas nk buat kt rc tu!eeeeee outdated btul la internet kt rc!

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