Thursday, March 29

1 week break!


a week break tak mcm break pun!

monday - driving class/skem at 12 til 4 then gi mandarin class at 7
tuesday - gi english class pak pian!
wednesday - driving test! *i passed! yeay bleh bwk kete!*
thursday - gi class english pak pian gak & then dr impiana trus gi my mum's office. termiss class mandarin!

tomorrow having some friends coming over! every friday ade potluck!

pak pian is my mum's friend & also the ceramah for the english classes! he's 71 & guess what he is driving! mercedes 2 pintu yg baru! tgk isteri die masuk kete dpan hotel tu, mmg something yg rare la! sume bellboy kt dpn tu kerumun kete die! haha!

for the last 2/3 weeks nie, my mum ade organise kursus kat impiana yg depan kl convention centre tu! so chef yg kt the hotel's restaurant tu pun ckp ah: lame tak nmpk?
i was like, aish aku nie slalu sgt ke gie sini? mase tu i was like out of words nk ckp ape. mane tak nye dah mcm rumah ke2 plak!

this is my mum's room! but me & my sis yg duk sini! ye la ambil la kesempatan ngan ape yg ade! btul tak? XD

this is jln bukit bintang at night!