1st day of the month
started the day by watching MI3..dunno y suddenly wanna watch "mr ever-'macho'-super-invincible man" in action..he seems to be 'tough' and indestructible but apparently,in reality
gotno 6 pack!heh!but why compare urs truely with the man who made 60 million dollar per movie*rhetorically* over somethings that he probably didnt even do! :\ anyhow his movie did promote malaysia!in a sense of way..dun really know whether its by coincidence or we paid them to advertise our country..anyway if u see properly in the scene when he's at the abandoned train yard..right b4 he got into the limo..b4 they emo-torture mr hunt..got this bottom logo!woot woot!they should've bold-ed/colourize/contrast-ed the signboard!haha! *seldom see malaysia at silver screen mah!if talk about malaysia surely related to s'pore or indon oni*
oh yeah..aizat called just now!!*lupekn dmana die tlh dgn bodohnye mmbuat sy pecaye sst yg tdak penah sy buat pun XP*he's in d UK but sian die sorng2 gie shoreleave..tgh discharging besi?haha anyway miss that guy yg byk membantu sy!!membantu dlm bincang same2 mse LA agama!!hee sori ustad!hah!!fellow CS!!manager of my mp4 :P best giler die dpt naik kpl awal!!while i am currently sailing through the seastill being a couch potato at my home sweet home*enjoying every last bit :P*
but on the other hand,yesterday got called from ms baizura saying taht we need to be at the office at 0900 this thursday..very eager to see the fab-five!haha!
and i already finished gossip girls season1!!heee boleyh la..season 2 got meh?
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