Saturday, November 29

we meet again..

back from shimizu..after this higeshi ohgishima..another 1 & 1/2 months to go..weee!!tk sabar!!nk duty pun dh 50-50 kt rumah!!hik!got 3-4 trips lg..nothing important happened this trip except for photo session..

this one was the trip from tong yeong back to bintulu..rolling smpi 20 tk truk lg tu :P
mse nk lari dr chief mate..wayang skit buat kje :P
this is what we call mooring station..operation where the ship will be fast to the shore..there r fore & aft..station 1=fore,station2=aft..
mangsa2 buli di ats kpl :P k ah..almost time for duty..bunker time now..chiow!

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