Thursday, March 29

1 week break!


a week break tak mcm break pun!

monday - driving class/skem at 12 til 4 then gi mandarin class at 7
tuesday - gi english class pak pian!
wednesday - driving test! *i passed! yeay bleh bwk kete!*
thursday - gi class english pak pian gak & then dr impiana trus gi my mum's office. termiss class mandarin!

tomorrow having some friends coming over! every friday ade potluck!

pak pian is my mum's friend & also the ceramah for the english classes! he's 71 & guess what he is driving! mercedes 2 pintu yg baru! tgk isteri die masuk kete dpan hotel tu, mmg something yg rare la! sume bellboy kt dpn tu kerumun kete die! haha!

for the last 2/3 weeks nie, my mum ade organise kursus kat impiana yg depan kl convention centre tu! so chef yg kt the hotel's restaurant tu pun ckp ah: lame tak nmpk?
i was like, aish aku nie slalu sgt ke gie sini? mase tu i was like out of words nk ckp ape. mane tak nye dah mcm rumah ke2 plak!

this is my mum's room! but me & my sis yg duk sini! ye la ambil la kesempatan ngan ape yg ade! btul tak? XD

this is jln bukit bintang at night!

Wednesday, March 21

interview in british council


on the 21st of march, went for an interview with some ppl from england's british council! omg their eyes are not brown/dark brown/black! i SERIOUSLY like seeing them! i mean the eyes & the ppl too of course! XD of course nicola & deidre too! XD the biscuits they offered look nice but i cant eat them! sakit gigi la! waaa! anyway they asked about what we want them to improve in BC, how do we find the accommodation in BC & stuff like that! & of course the fees too! diorang sume ckp tinggi sgt! best best! hahaha!

b4 going to BC of course kene htr my mum gi putrajaya. some of the scenes yg nmpk sepnjg perjlnn. kete kancil terbalik! *damn i should have brought my camera* & sceneries during 12am in KL! oh yeah & the other day i saw someone kene langgar! yup gimme a bit of a trauma too!

there's a section in BC we call ELLZ! there, they provide us with computers to improve our english coz they has lots of programmes regarding english! books, magazines & places to do self-study!

oh yeah learned a new word from chris & ling wei!
chugule! haha! find out what is that! korean!

oh yeah & i like it when nic said aiyo! it sounded cute! :B

peace out!

Monday, March 12

SPM result


SPM result
dah kluar! XD i didnt really get what i expected! a bit sedih but ok la. alhamdulillah! better than nothing right! amik lmbt dr org lain coz ade class. teruk giler keranie kt skolah tu! wanna know what i got? =B ask me!

p/s : congratulations to all spm candidates that scored well! & to all too! to my beloved friends! especially to my darling girlfriends! XD

Thursday, March 1

class in british council


my english class at british council is GREAT! i would definitely enrol again for other classes! best giler tmpt tu! rase cam study kat oversea lak! at first i didnt thought i would easily make friends there! but it turned out to be absolutely the opposite! i met friends that are really like my old friends! we even dah jln2 kat klcc tu! (amnah jgn jealous!)

many iranian ppl there. i met farah, mira, kak hezlen, chris, xiao yu, nash, ling wei, czupa, milad, farid, ED, chermaine, dorcus, muhammad, mahmood, ferhem & many more. well actually our class ade 19 ppl je!

check out their website