Saturday, June 23

back from alam

temporary name! ooooo!


i just got back from alam! induction program! really enjoyed it there! kitorang kene ragging! adoih! sampai mmg penat & tk sempat nk pkai sunblock! *my face dah jd cam org negro! :P & some of my frens muke mcm kene simbah acid! seriously mmg kesian tgk muke diorang!* anyway we have a special name there. my name was WIRE! other ppl - blade, mooring, ship, scuttle, bitumen, vernier, coatings etc etc. anyway i cant really talk alot about the program! *mane le tau ade scholar nk gie alam kene gie induction course nie! nnt spoil la plak ape yg diorang akan buat!* but 1 thing i can say, is that the program is physically & mentally demanding! like nonstop training! well, not really nonstop! its like from 1 to 1 with limited time to rest!! actually ade byk citr but malas la nk tulis! :) & also dun wanna show the after result of it! :P oh yeah! i gotta jump from A ship!!! best giler! mcm naik roller coaster!!! same goes biler lompat kt swimming pool too!

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