Sunday, June 10

visit ALAM

when nature is angry! muahaha


yesterday, went to melaka. actually my atuk nk dtg but then we decided to check out ALAM! & pick him up from my relative's house. bertolak lps breakfast. ikut jln lama! woot! yesterday jumpe byk lembu! but tk amik gamba bcoz i was asleep half of the time. sampai di ALAM, i dunno what time bcoz mamai.
selamat datang ke ALAM! XD

comanding my own 'ship'! hahaha

at the entry

i dunno what is that. tangkap je mase dah nk balik tu

trip snack. do u know what is this? vadai la! but not that nice. the one outside my ex-tuition teacher was nice! fluffy! & tasty definitely!

then duk kt my uncle's house byk giler mkn!!! dah le ade medical check-up this tuesday! haih! anyway balik KL around 6pm & hujan lebat sgt! so sampai lmbt la!

peace out!

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